Getting Key Events on an HTML5 Canvas

by Patrick Horgan

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Everyone sees this problem

A lot of people have posted on the net about not being able to get key events on canvas. It turns out that it's not very hard and I'm going to show you how.

Attempt the first (you just know it won't work;)

Your browser doesn't know from canvas so you need to upgrade to a newer browser to follow this tutorial. canvas1
var handlekeydown=function(e){ alert('keycode: '+e.keyCode); return false; } var canvas1=document.getElementById('canvas1'); canvas1.addEventListener('keydown',handlekeydown,false);

The problem is that canvas isn't a normal place that the browser expects you to type in, so it doesn't have the focus. Having the focus means that you are the element that key events get handed to. Usually you tell the browser which text element gets the focus by clicking on it or by hitting the <TAB> key until the right element gets a box highlighted around it to tell you it's active. You can try clicking and tabbing if you want, but you might as well save the effort, it won't work.

Can we just give it the focus?

So if the problem is that the canvas doesn't get the focus, what about if we do,


If you want, you can click the button and it will run that line for you and then you can try it.

But -- unfortunately it still won't work. What gives? Well, canvas1 is defined like this

<canvas id="canvas1" width="200" height="100"></canvas>

Now we're going to create a new canvas, canvas2 and the only difference will be that we will set a tabindex for it.

Now you'll just need to click

<canvas id="canvas2" width="200" height="100" tabindex='1'></canvas>
Your browser doesn't know from canvas so you need to upgrade to a newer browser to follow this tutorial. canvas2

With this canvas you'll be able to click on it or tab to it and then press a key. An alert will pop up telling you the keycode. From javascript you'll also be able to give the focus to it if you want to.

What if we didn't need to click?

Your browser doesn't know from canvas so you need to upgrade to a newer browser to follow this tutorial. canvas3
var handlefocus=function(e){ if(e.type=='mouseover'){ canvas3.focus(); return false; }else if(e.type=='mouseout'){ canvas3.blur(); return false; } return true; }; var handlekeydown=function(e){ alert('keycode: '+e.keyCode); return false; }; var canvas3=document.getElementById('canvas3'); canvas3.addEventListener('mouseover',handlefocus,false); canvas3.addEventListener('mouseout',handlefocus,false); canvas3.addEventListener('keydown',handlekeydown,false);

At times, you might want to give the focus without clicking or tabbing. You want it to work if you just put the mouse over the canvas. The trick there is to give a mouseover handler to the canvas, and in the mouseover handler give the focus to the canvas. If you want you can also give a mouseout handler to the canvas and in there take away the focus with blur(). I'll create a canvas3 that works like that. Here's the canvas and the code.

I'm feeling sorry for poor canvas1

We can give it a tabindex after the fact like this.

canvas1.setAttribute('tabindex','0'); canvas1.focus();

Just click the button and then canvas1 will get the focus. He'll start receiving the keydown events right away.

Tying it up

So, just to summarize, if you want to get information about keys in a canvas, make sure that you give it a tabindex, and then it will work just like any other element. You'll be able to use any of the key events, and it will work just like you want. Good coding!

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